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Liveblogging Season Four of Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Liveblogging Season Four of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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Liveblogging Season Four of Star Wars: The Clone Wars


Published on May 30, 2014


The subtitle of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season four is “Battle Lines.” What would probably be more appropriate is “Every Kind of Death You Can Imagine. Also Tears.”

Which doesn’t mean I didn’t like it! More importantly, we did get to see the deconstruction of some real moral ambiguity central to the Star Wars universe (that doesn’t usually get talked about so, bonus). So let’s get to it.

Expected Warning: This is full of curses and keyboard smashes and is just me railing at the television. It is not polite, edited, or groomed in any way.

If you missed any of my previous Clone Wars liveblogs, you can catch up with season one, season two, and season three.

By the way, did anyone else notice that Obi-Wan gets beat up ALL THE TIME this season? I feel like this is relevant to the discussion. Poor damsel Obi-Wan.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Man Cala

Water War

Mon Calamari intrigue!

Who is the Sharkbait oo-ha-ha senator?

Wow, Anakin, you look ridiculous in that wetsuit.

How do we fire blasters in water?

Clone scuba troopers!

Is it weird for me to say that I love Kit and his little swimtrunks? Are they standard issue Jedi swimtrunks?

So do they always have a Mon Calamari king? Because if so, you could maybe see why the Quarrens were kinda pissed.

Those giant jellyfish droids are pretty of amazing.

Hooboy. Interment camps via Seperatists. That just got ugly real fast.

Gungan Attack

Oo, desert burn from Padmé.

I love how they keep calling them Mon Cala to try and make it less obvious that they named an entire species after a delicious appetizer.

*insert “It’s Raining Gungans” joke here*

Why does sharkbait roar?

I want that awkward moment where Ackbar finally admits to Luke and Leia that he hung out with their dad.

Ahsoka’s character development, let us show you it.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Kit Fisto, Ackbar, Anakin


I don’t know that separating Anakin from his Padmé is a great idea, Sharkbait.

This gets more depressing when you remember that the Empire will exist in a few years, and the Mon Calamari are treated horribly by them for the next two decades. So winning this doesn’t actually make much of a difference.

You know, Prince Lee-Char could have maybe tried to have this a little more together. He’s the worst public speaker.

Ackbar just headbutted the head off of a droid. Whoa.

That was… a lot of death. All over, really.

Shadow Warrior

Who is not surprised that the Gungans may still not be cool with the Naboo? Yeah, messed up planet is messed up.

So it’s kind of like Gungan voodoo being used on the king?

We’re playing the “Jar Jar looks like the Boss” thing?

Literally the only way they could ever get Grievous and Jar Jar in a room together.

The noise Grievous just made in reaction to Jar Jar was hilarious.


At this point, the amount of electricity that has been pumped through Anakin’s body is probably enough to power a small city.

I’m so confused by how not annoying Jar Jar is in this episode. I mean, to the point that he’s kind of likable.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Grievous, Tarpals

Mercy Mission

Clone troopers are manhandling 3PO. Um.


Is Aleena part of the Republic? If not, does the Republic provide aid to underdeveloped planets that are not a part of it? Seems like that would be real difficult with the war going on.

Just, look at 3PO actually taking the time to communicate and pay attention. He gets none of the props he deserves.

And then he fell down the sacred something and R2 ran after him. Good. Now the clones will actually have to attempt to communicate themselves.


When they asked 3PO to make peace with the ground THEY ACTUALLY MEANT MAKE PEACE WITH THE GROUND.

Yeessssss, magical fairy tale labyrinth journey with RIDDLES. All the R2-3PO episodes are just so perf.

And Kelsey figured out the riddle immediately. Which would be why we’re getting married. Because if this ever happens to us, I won’t be the one who figures out the riddle part.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, C-3PO, R2-D2

Nomad Droids

R2? Was that really the easiest way to save 3PO. Stealing a fighter and crashing?

3PO with a glo-branch bat bragging about R2’s fightin’ skillz.


3PO just knocked R2 over onto a dictator, splatted him, and set the population free and tried to create democracy.

Cowboy planet?

Aaaand a giant hologram leader.


R2 found the pit droids behind the curtain and brought that society to the ground.

Oh my god they ran out of power together and it was horrible.

And after a brief stint as gladiators, they are now on Grievous’ ship.

Rescued! And now the clones have to listen to another 3PO bedtime story.

Darkness of Umbara

There’s mah Obi-Wan! Where have you been, gorgeous?

That clone trooper sounds druuuuuuuuunk.

Is that a Sarlacc? Yikes.

Rex is already feeling old and he’s probably only, like, ten.

General Krell is the same species as Dexter Jettster. Huh.

Ugh. Ugh, gross. Gross asshole commander who doesn’t believe clones are people, this is grooosssssss.

This planet is terrifying but so cool.

Rex do not bother sticking to this plan, don’t you dare.

How did Krell ever make Jedi Knight?

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Hardcase

The General

Okay, seriously, Krell’s battle tactics are not even slightly tactics. How does he have such a great record?

Hardcase wins for enthusiasm, though. And is still probably drunk.

Mechanical burrowing centipede tank? Wow.

If all the Separatist planets had this level of tech, the Republic would be defeated in hours.

Ouch. We’re watching the troopers get meaner because they’re being so ill-treated. That’s surprisingly true to life.

Wonder if the tick marks on Rex’s helmet indicates the number of battles he’s been through.

If I’m really good could we not kill Hardcase? I’d like to keep him.

Plan of Dissent

Yup, Fives is done. Go on, guys. Figure out how to fly those weirdo ships.

Fives, the words you are looking for are: boring conversation anyway.

Yeah, Rex, you better look impressed at your poor treacherous not-pilots.

And I knew we were gonna lose Hardcase. Whhhhyyyyyyy

Can you actually execute soldiers for insurrection that works in your favor and was intended to work in your favor? That seems nuts.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Krell

Carnage of Krell

Wow, so Krell actually thinks that clones who have minds of their own are “defective.” WHERE DID HE COME FROM. MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHO TRAINED HIM?

You are not seriously going to kill [Fives and Jesse], are you? You’re not. You are really not.



“It’s Captain, sir.” FUCK YEAH, REX.

Oh my god, why were they ordered to fight against each other WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Waxer, poor… Okay, that’s it. Kill this sonofabitch. Now.

…or maybe stand down and bring this to someone with the authority to stop him. Because that’s two double-bladed lightsabers.


Should have just let that thing eat him.

Good job, Dogma, sweetie.

Well, I’m officially traumatized.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Obi-Wan


Those gun turret sidecars on those speeders are awesome. Also, Ahsoka’s lightsaber technique is totally ridiculous. Send HER to kill Dooku.

Also, I just really wish they could kill Dooku period. Never cared much in the prequels, but getting to see what he’s responsible for makes me wish someone could get to him.

Great, slavers! Just the people Anakin wants to see.

The hell fluffy goggled parrot.

Come on, Obi-Wan. Stop letting that guy throw you around the room. If your snark isn’t going to help you, you better be able to smack him.

Sheesh, Obi-Wan, that’s one hell of a way to buy time.

That was awesome team time, Ani-soka.

So, Obi-Wan is sporting various bruises and probably some internal injuries, cracked bones and such.

Animated Anakin makes the weirdest faces when he gets Dark Side Angry.

Slaves of the Republic

Those are some funneh hats.

Anakin gets to flirt with a weird slaving cat lady? And Obi-Wan yet again enlisting big awesome animals to aid in rescue attempts.

Slave suicide. Whoa. This is such a nice arc.


Anakin just gave Luke’s salute signal to R2 for his lightsaber and I squealed.

And now they are all captured and the queen is making Anakin be her bodyguard? It’s kinda rapey? Whoa.

Yeah, can we put a moratorium on shock collars? And this entire horrible species?

This is just so strange, suggesting that the Empire’s thing with slavery was kind of brought on by this population.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, parrots

Escape from Kadavo

R2 SAVED ANAKIN. because droids are basically galactic slaves anyway so no one notices him.

It sounds like they’re using the screaming slave tracks from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, of all things. (Yes, I know that movie way too well.)

Leaving the shock collars on for the good of the mission? Ahsoka is so hardcore.

Man that queen really likes Anakin in the creepiest of ways.


Brawler Obi-Wan is tops.

I really feel like Rex is taking this personally, which I find very interesting, considering certain arguable similarities between clones and slaves.

“I’m no Jedi.” Wow, they just totally gave Rex an Éowyn moment.

Ahhhhh, Ahsoka just caught one of her people when she fell from the ship. Ahsoka you are perfect.

A Friend in Need

And here’s that kid with the dead Separatist parents.

Aw, Ahsoka saved him. Not subtly the way Padme wanted, but… you know.

And then he tried to pull a blaster on her and she shut that down right quick. That was adorable.

Awesome Death Watch lady JUST SLAPPED AHSOKA’S BUTT, WHUT.

It’s like R2 is Woody surrounded by Syd’s toys, but they want him to repair them.

You know, it’s really not cool that Death Watch use traditional Mandalorian battle armor. Considering what they use it for.


Just noticed that Ahsoka’s lightsabers are actually two different shades of green. Excellent.

Just, go away Lux. You’re embarrassing.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Obi-Wan, Rako


And now Obi-Wan is shot and fell off a building. What’s going on.

So they’re faking his death of course. But did they literally not tell Anakin because… that’s a bad idea.


Wow, they got rid of all Obi-Wan’s hair and he looks like a baby. That’s what the beard is for.

That Jedi Polyjuice Potion looked rough. Are you saying that they couldn’t give him some painkillers?

So lucky Anakin actually wants to respect Obi-Wan’s memory or he might have accidentally killed Obi-Wan for looking like that guy he thinks killed him.

Obi-Wan is having a real easy time pretending to be this guy in prison. Too much fun.

Just staged a giant prison fight to break people out? Using Fett and Bossk? That was amazing.

Friends and Enemies

Hooray we’re on Dagobah?

Okay not Dagobah. But pretty close.


Hearing the Bith language is awesome.

Aaaaand Obi-Wan’s hanging upside down like Luke.

Hah, Obi-Wan was like, “Dads, I’m out of cash, can you wire me?”

Ah, there’s Anakin’s freak out. I was wondering when we’d get a cut to that.

Wow, Palpatine’s a creepy first grade teacher: “Your feelings make you special, Ani!”

You forget that it’s Obi-Wan under the polyjuice potion until he sends a secret message and uses words like “tenuous.”

Yoda’s literally like, “Yeah, we fucked this up…. Your problem, Mace.”

Just kill Cad Bane, Anakin. You’re angry enough and no one would miss him.

Obi-Wan got so scared for his baby, he forgot he looks like the guy who killed himself.

Obi-Wan, that had the opposite affect you intended with Anakin and Ahsoka.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Anakin, Mace Windu, Palpatine, Eval, Cad Bane

The Box

Uh-oh. No Dooku contest could be worth this.

Oh good, finally getting a dressing down from Yoda. Although Anakin’s dilemma here is a lot like Luke’s in Empire.

Cad Bane killed a dude for a hat. For a bigger hat. There are just so many things I could say here.

Did Dooku just say Obi-Wan’s disguise guy is from Concord Dawn? That’s great.

I love that Dooku is doing his propaganda spiel for a bunch of guys who just want his money.

Fight in a borg cube. ~snort~


Yeah, Dooku can totally tell it’s Obi-Wan now.

Obi-Wan must be so good at video games.

I mean, it’s literally just a series of video game challenges. So Obi-Wan has a Playstation back at the Temple, clearly.


Having a really fun discussion with Kelsey about how much Obi-Wan is using the Force in this fight. He can’t use it so much that people notice, but you have to figure he’s using it a teensy bit to improve his agility and such. (Though probably less than he’s been using it otherwise on the mission because Dooku is watching.)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Anakin, Palpatine, Dooku

Crisis on Naboo

Yoda just made the most amazing sassy face at Anakin’s clear ’tude about this mission.

This is actually a super clever ploy—if they [Dooku and Sidious] kidnap Palpatine and demand Separatists from jail for his safe return they, of course, lose absolutely nothing.

You know, Obi-Wan gave you a real clear window and instructions, guys. You’re really dropping the ball. As Jedi go.

This holographic tech is such a problem. Such a cool problem. I want one.

Eval needs to stop referring to himself in the third person.

Aw, Anakin is really mad at Obi-Wan for not telling him about the plan. Poor resonate conversations that explain so many of Anakin’s later issues.

Obi-Wan please hurry up and help Anakin, it’s distressing to know that not a single person in this room is on his side, even though he thinks they are.


“As long as I live, no harm will ever come to you, Your Excellency.” NO ANAKIN NO BAD THOUGHTS NO.


I love that the Nightsisters basically have Dracula accents.

You’re sending Grievous in against the Nightsisters? That’s a really stupid idea.

Those energy bows and arrows are so coooooooool.

So with the way that they’ve organized the power dynamics here, and the fact that they have the Water of Life that they mentioned in the other episode, someone on staff clearly decided the Nightsisters were basically the Star Wars universe equivalent of the Bene Gesserit. Which is a pretty great idea, I think.

Okay, wow, zombie sisters buried upside down. Like sleeping vampires. This is insane.

And real voodoo. On Dooku. From a lock of his hair. I did say that this attack was a terrible idea.

I have no idea why Asajj thought that Grievous would fight with honor.

No! Awesome mohawk Nightsister is dead. Boo.

They just let Grievous sail in there and kill their most important WHAT HOW DID YOU LET THAT HAPPEN.

Man, they are going to be sorry later when the worst Nightsister of all rises up in all place of that army they just destroyed. Also, what the hell, that was devastating.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Dengar


When you’re a down and out former Sith apprentice, life is tough.


Asajj basically did what I wish I could do to every asshole who bothered me at a bar.

“I’m not much of a talker.” ASAJJ I LOVE YOU.

That actually kind of looked like a gay alien couple at that table. I hope it was.

Bossk called them “a merry band of bounty hunters.” Um.


The need for exposition is making Boba Fett seem needlessly stupid—he should have had all these questions answered before they took the job.

So this is “The Train Job”? Basically?

I am so consistently weirded out by Bossk and Boba kind of being a team on this show. Just, no.

Totally called that the cargo was a person.

And more Force users making Fett weird about Force users. He’s got pretty good reason to be so unhappy.

She gave them Fett, right? Instead of the child bride?


Asajj Ventress just got all humanized and this makes me real nervous for her.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Darth Maul


Wow, Dooku, be more dramatic.

Strangling people at Dex’s Diner….


He is literally just wiping his hands down the sides of crates. Such detection. Much solve.

So it’s not actually Dex’s Diner but it looks like it. So it’s a franchise chain? That would be hilarious.

Is Darth Maul literally lying on a garbage heap planet cut in half? Is that what’s going on here?

Savage’s time lord locket stopped working.

Love Savage’s muppet snake guide.

Snake muppet is actually genuinely terrifying. Yes.

I just need Maul to still be in two pieces, I need this otherwise this whole plotline is no good.


You know, as much as I was not keen on having Maul back, crazy Maul is kind of great.

Yoda just called Obi-Wan in all, “Yo, honey, I just felt some shit through the Force that we gotta talk about.”

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Asajj, Obi-Wan


Talking in rhyme. Stay classy, Maul.

I love how Savage is supposed to be this crazy monster, but as soon as he finds Maul he becomes big brother caretaker, and is suddenly chill and articulate.

That was foreboding, Mother Talzin.


She is literally ripping the crazy out of his head. This is why Palpatine was scared of these ladies.

I will now write a new indie rock hit called “Double-jointed Robot Legs.”

Okay, I’m just putting this out there: Savage = Thor Maul = Loki. You know I’m right.

No, no no no, you listen to Mace, you send someone with Obi-Wan to walk into the trap.

Is Obi-Wan going to team up with Asajj? I WANT THIS.

They knocked Obi-Wan out and are just standing over his body like, “…Well, now what? I dunno, that felt too easy, let’s wake him up and try again.”

Count on Obi-Wan to still be sassy while he gets kicked around a room.


“I want that back.” “That’s fine—red’s not my color.” I am so angry that I won’t get an entire season of this. It is perfect.

And that might be the only time Obi-Wan has ever given in to anger. Because you don’t just bring up Qui-Gon Jinn like that.

Best Worst Team ever. Seriously heartbroken that this won’t be a regular thing.

And that’s wrap on the Season of Sadness. Next season will probably be similarly situated. Huzzah.


Okay. So. Um. Really concerned with how this is going. For people.

Emmet Asher-Perrin just really wishes they had killed Krell early on and none of that had ever happened. You can bug her on Twitter and read more of her work here and elsewhere.

About the Author

Emmet Asher-Perrin


Emmet Asher-Perrin is the News & Entertainment Editor of Reactor. Their words can also be perused in tomes like Queers Dig Time Lords, Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. They cannot ride a bike or bend their wrists. You can find them on Bluesky and other social media platforms where they are mostly quiet because they'd rather talk to you face-to-face.
Learn More About Emmet
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Jonathan Crowe
10 years ago

I’m just amazed they had three whole episodes with Ackbar without even once succumbing to the temptation to have him utter the catchphrase.

Colin R
10 years ago

The Undercover Kenobi episodes are almost uncomfortably dark. Palpatine has manipulated the Jedi into helping criminals escape from jail and murder people in order to thwart his own plot against himself. There’s no real strategic importance to this that I can discern–he is just fucking with the Jedi, dragging them through the mud.

Bird on a Bird
10 years ago

The Krell thing and the faked-death thing were sooooo transparent, like no suspension of disbelief possible. It’s like the End-of-Old-Republic Jedi had no concept of Force-sense with each other or beings or basically anything. I mean I realize later (MUCH LATER) in EU that there’s a technique for hiding one’s self in the Force but FFS you guys, HE’S STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU/NEXT TO YOU/ON YOUR HEAD can’t you tell who it is?

That might be my one gripe with CW, that the use of Force powers is soooo inconsistent. Drives me nuts.

10 years ago

And this is the point when I started to fall in love with Asajj.

Sean Bircher
10 years ago

I love the whole Water War arc has this “Thunderball” vibe — with Kit Fisto as James Bond!

And the bounty hunter with the discus hat Embo is pretty awesome.

10 years ago

Loved this season, although Threepio’s parting “Congratulations, you are now a democracy” as the population tore itself apart did strike me as a little hamfisted.

10 years ago

I literally almost broke my TV when I saw Darth Maul come back, thank god I don’t have good aim. Then his plotline turned out to be kinda interesting. Well done.

10 years ago

Seeing it all laid out in a row, I realize that I didn’t like this season nearly as much as some of the others. And I have always been taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.
But the next season has a lot of my favorite episodes, so I am looking forward to the next discussion!

8 years ago

I get really excited to read these posts every time we finish a season.  So, this season was kind of weird.  I’m still a bit on the fence on Clone Wars and I think this season was a little weaker than the last season (although I still think the Mortis arc from 3 was muddled and…not good.  It’s kind of weird going back to all my old Star Wars Insiders from this time and for several issues they just gush over the Mortis arc and how amazing and illuminating it was and how much it teaches about the Force – although they don’t actually give any interpretation and when interviewed the creators flat out refuse to say anything except that it’s up to the viewer – and I’m just like WTH? I missed something, obviously. One of these days I’ll have to browse the forums and see what fans in general think of that arc and how they interpreted it, because Insider to me seems to not allow even the slightest hint of anything that could be critical of Star Wars content.  I love it in terms of news, info, lore, interviews etc but I don’t trust it at all when it comes to criticism or reviews).

I don’t know how to articulate it, but for whatever reason I have a hard time viewing the series as canon, like it really fits in with my conception of Star Wars and the events that go on in that universe. Maybe because it’s too compressed, or maybe because it seems to take a lot of things to extremes, introduces a lot of new things but doesn’t actually expand on them to my satisfaction in a way that feels like they are well developed or have some kind of consistent worldbuilding/metaphysics behind it. It might just be the TV format, I don’t know.  The books do some pretty crazy stuff too.  But when I see things like ravening zombies on Dathomir it just kind of takes me out of the moment and doesn’t feel like ‘Star Wars’ to me.  But where I think it really excels is the politics and war stories with the clones.

This is long, sorry.  But there actually is quite a bit going on in this season now that I look at it!

Water War arc – I really liked this because I was a big fan of the old Clone Wars series (the Genndy Tartakovsky one) and one of my favorite episodes was one that involved the Mon Calamari vs the Quarrens (who were backed by the Separatists) and Kit Fisto fighting underwater. Not sure if they were specifically pulling from that or not (the Mon Cal/Quarren tension has been present before).  I also think it’s interesting to explore the general MO of the Separatists – it seems like there are several arcs where they go to planets with divided populations and claim to back the underdog who may be legitamately oppressed with real grievances, but they’re really just exploiting that for their own gain.  I also enjoy when they bring the Gungans in and give them a chance to be taken seriously (as seriously as they can be, at least).

Speaking of Gungans, I can’t say I EVER thought I’d see Jar Jar and General Greivous together.  Love it. :) Somehow…it worked.  Acutually kinda sad about Tarpals though!  I don’t think the show is going this way but I was really hoping the Gungans would be the source of Greivous’s cough (in the original Clone Wars series I think Mace Windu was responsible) because that would be kind of awesome and I’d always think of it when I watch Revenge of the Sith ;)

The Artoo/Threepio episodes – SO WEIRD.  I figured out the riddle right away, but it was very Hobbit-like :) Like, after Mercy Mission, I was thinking, oh man, nothing could be weirder than this.  Then after Nomad Droids I was just like o_0.  Like…holy crap what?  Threepio inadvertantly killed a dictator and threw a society into complete chaos (I was somewhat morbidly amused that for the rest of the episode Artoo had the guy’s guts all over him)? Then they exposed the Wizard of Oz and blew up the entire city? Clearly the droids fail at the Prime Directive ;)  It’s stuff like this that I think makes the series so uneven.  The sheer madcap ridiculousness and reliance on luck/coincidence kind of turned me off, especially as there are no consequences and it didn’t really have anything to do with the rest of the story and…eh.  Not my thing at all.

Really loved the Umbara arc – I loved the design of the planet, the tech and basically anything that lets you get to know the clones. I really like any of the arcs that explore the ethical grossness of engineering the clones for war and treating them as disposable. The only (minor) criticism I had was making Pong Krell a kind of Sith wannabe. I think in some ways it would have been more powerful and provoking if he really was just an asshole Jedi who represented some of the corruption and the fact being a Jedi doesn’t magically make you a moral person.  I think the exploring of when you should and shouldn’t follow orders (and the conflict the clones feel about it, since they obviously do pride themselves on being good soldiers and part of a whole) is quite interesting when you think about Order 66.  Are there clones that decided they couldn’t follow that order?  Honestly, I kind of wish Krell had lived simply so when watching the Order 66 scene I could think about the clones taking great pleasure in assassinating him ;)  (Okay, that’s mean of me).  But you know, it’s kind of interesting that in Revenge of the Sith we see Commander Cody having no problem at all assassinating Obi-Wan (I was trying to google but I kept running into things with spoilers for later seasons and Rebels). Granted, Cody isn’t in this episode so he’s not the one struggling with these conundrums.  But what is the eventual fate of Cody and Rex? If anybody is reading, don’t spoil that for me. ;) Does one of them go with Anakin to slaughter the children? Who leads the 501st when he marches?  Anyway, I totally had a heart attack when I thought they killed Jesse/Fives.  And I had a feeling Dogma was going to be the one who would kill him, because he was the most betrayed.  And I can empathize with him, wanting to follow the rules, believing it’s a good system, etc.

Slaver arc – Ahsoka is REALLY bad at acting like a slave, haha.  But I think it’s really interesting that the show is delving into Anakin’s past as a slave and the baggage he might have regarding that (if anything, I think it didn’t go deep enough here).  But at the end of the second episode I was just like….did Anakin just become that cat-queen’s sex slave? Because I feel like that is totally what just happened, between the lines.  And let me say that, regardless of whether or not I’m assuming too much, how interesting that the power dynamic here was totally flipped across gender lines.  I actually love to think about stuff/stories like this – about people (historically women) that end up in these kinds of relationships or make those kinds of sacrifices for others and how do they keep their own identity, what happens if they actually do feel a kind of kinship with the person in control if they happen to be very charismatic or otherwise affable/doting, how do you comparmentalize all of that. Obviously this show is not REALLY going to go into that but it was interesting and I kind of wish they’d gone into it more and shown more of their conversations/debates.  But also still kinda weird and at this point I took a break. Then we watched Revenge of the Sith and all I could think of anytime Anakin interacted with Padme was, “Is he still traumatized from being cat queen’s sex slave????”. Haha.  Also loved the little call back to Anakin/Luke gesturing to Artoo for the lightsaber :D  I hated when that jerk sent some of the slaves down the chasm :(  Sorry not sorry when Rex killed him.  Honestly, I wouldn’t have faulted Obi-Wan for it either :P

8 years ago

Lux Bonteri is an idiot. I had higher hopes for him. And Death Watch sucks…I had a feeling they’d ‘return’ the prisoners in some horribly twisted way.  I really loved Ahsoka’s coat though.

I really like Cad Bane (as a villain) so I am actually excited whenever he shows up. The whole prison infiltration plot was really kind of fun and I love when Obi-Wan gets a chance to do something kind of shady, haha.  That said, I was kind of hoping the Box would be a little more Saw-like, lol.  Maybe too dark for this show!  Agree that keeping Anakin in the dark permanently is just a bad idea, and honestly, It bugs me that NOBODY was able to recognize Obi-Wan’s Force signature, or even that Anakin/Ahsoka couldn’t tell he was alive.  I mean, I can think of ways, but it would have been nice if somebody acknowledged it in-show that Obi-Wan was doing some kind of Force masking.  Minor nitpick, I guess.  Overall the episodes were fun although the twistiness of this plot is kind of mindblowing – on one hand, it reminds me of the old Clone Wars series where we actually see the plot to kidnap the Chancellor (the one that starts off RotS) – but this is obviously too soon for this to be that. So did Palpatine just engineer this plot to screw with the Jedi? Whose idea was the whole ‘hire a guy to try to kill Obi-Wan so he can fake his death and pretend to be a prisoner’ plot?  Did Palpatine somehow know they’d do this?  I also kind of wonder how the average person would feel to know that the Jedi basically allow these guys to kill the guys in the cremation room, etc so they can ‘escape’ simply so they can follow the source of the plot.  But yeah, the scene with Palpatine and Anakin was just perfect.  Palpatine plays Anakin like a fiddle.  “So lucky Anakin actually wants to respect Obi-Wan’s memory or he might have accidentally killed Obi-Wan for looking like that guy he thinks killed him.” – wasn’t that the original guy? What even happened to him? It seemed like he also got sent to prison so didn’t they realize at some point there were two? 

Nightsisters/Darth Maul arc – I was actually really sad that all the Nightsisters got killed (although I honestly thought Mother Talzin also got killed). I do also have tons of questions about Nightsister Force ‘magic’ – the zombies are cool for atmospheric affect, but how does that fit into current conceptions/metaphysics of the Force, spirits, the afterlife?  I think there is some precedent in the old EU for ‘Sith spirits’ – and as it turns out it seems like the zombies here are just re-animated bodies, not actual resurrected Nightsisters.  Very interesting!

I feel so sad for Assaj Ventress.  I want her new plotline to be her running off with the bounty money and starting an underground railroad for trafficked and abused women.  That’s my new dream for her.  (Really, really glad she didn’t throw another girl in need under the bus!  Although it begs the question – what happens when the warlord just tries to get her again tomorrow…I mean, I assume there are going to be consequences and he’s just tgoing to raze their village/city/planet to the ground. Maybe I read too much Game of Thrones…)

So. The Darth Maul thing. When I first heard about it, I thought, ‘wow, that sounds really lame and stupid’.  Now that I’ve seen it, my thoughts are…

‘Wow, that was kind of lame and stupid’.

I just don’t get it – it just seems like such obvious fanboy-ing.  (I wasn’t even that in to Maul in the first place, tbh).  It’s one thing when you plan to bring a character back from the start, but I haaaaaate this kind of retconning. It’s so lazy to me when a content creator doesn’t operate within the previously set bounds of the story and it actually makes everything less meaningful, in a way, if pretty much anything is up for reversal once the creator has a fancy for it (and yes, I know George Lucas also had a part in this).  You don’t get the shock value of killing your cool character, AND also the ability to bring that character back whenever you feel like it. I mean, I know there has to be flexibility in a story and sometimes you go in directions you had not at all intended before. But cheating death, is one of my huge pet peeves in stories.

There was a point where I was almost into it – I LOVE the Ventress/Obi-Wan teamup SO MUCH!  And at one point my husband (who also was not a fan) was all, ‘I think I can forgive th Maul plot line for this’. But then we realized there’s still no rason for it – Savage Opress going on a rampage is actually reason enough for both Obi-Wan and Assaj to have personal reasons to team up.  So, so far, it just seems like, ‘ooh, we want to bring back our popular character for ratings’.

At the very least, I wish they had put some more thought into explaining the how and why – the idea of his hate keeping him alive is quite interesting from a Sith Force metaphysics point of view, but how does he get out of the reactor pit, etc?  Maybe that kind of reprsents my problems with CW in general – lots of interesting ideas, but it moves so fast a lot of them seem underdeveloped and half baked.  Now that Maul is here, they might do some interesting things with him (Crazy Maul was kind of…interesting, I guess), exploring his own agenda and what happens to an abandoned/failed Sith.  After all, he WAS supposed to be a major part of the Clone Wars and he was cheated of that (although I have a hard time relating to characters who carry hatred/desire for revenge against people that were simply just defending themselves against them…like, you think Obi-Wan was just going to let you kill him, but somehow he’s the one in the wrong for attacking you? Okay, sure.)  In a way, it’s interesting to see if he ends up just as shrewd and crafty as other Sith since we really only got to see him as basically ‘hired muscle’ in TPM. So there could be some interesting stuff to explore with his character but time will tell if it justifies the (in my opinion) lame storytelling device of bringing him back in the first place.  I’ll have to check out the forums for this too because of course all the ‘official’ media is all ‘THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER’ but I do wonder how other fans felt about it, or if I’m just grumpy.

But please give us more Obi-Wan/Ventress flirting because that was the best. “Red’s not my color”. HA!

Talzin bringing the crazy out of his head totally reminded me of Nyneave healing the taint, ha :D

Also.  A moment for the children on the glowy planet. :(

I can’t stop thinking about the Robot Chicken versions of Bossk and Dengar whenever they show up, heh.

To end on a positive note – I think this was the first season where Ahsoka didn’t annoy me AT ALL. Well done, show!

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